Pick almost any city or town in the country, drive through any middle class neighborhood or residential
area on the weekend, and you're sure to spot at least a half dozen garage sales.
What's being sold at these garage sales? The accumulated "junk" peoples no longer use or want
taking up space in or around their homes. Are they making any money with these garage sales?
You'd better believe they're making money! It's not at all uncommon to make $600 with a weekend
garage sale. Is it hard to put on a profitable garage sale? Well, yes and no. It really does take some
of your time, and also requires an awareness of a few merchandising tactics. But the problems in
running a successful garage sale are small in comparison to the profits.
Who are the buyers, and how do you get them to come to your garage sale? Your customers are
going to be "everybody," and you get them over to your garage sale with a little bit of advertising and
Let's look at the background: Everybody accumulates the kind of garage sale items that other people
are searching for, and are willing to buy. These items range from no longer wanted or outgrown items
of clothing, to furniture, tools, knick-knacks, books, pictures and toys. Many garage sale items are
objects of merchandise purchased on impulse, and later found to be not what the buyer wanted. He
discovered too late that he really didn't have a use for it, or he no longer has a need for it. Many items
found at garage sales are gifts that have been given to the seller, but are the wrong size or incorrect
choice for the recipient.
The problem with most people is that they haven't the time to gather up all the items "just taking up
space" in and around their homes and staging a garage sale to get rid of them. Many people don't
know how to stage a garage sale, and many other people feel that putting on a garage sale is just too
much bother and work.
This is where you enter the picture. Your enterprise will be an ongoing garage sale of items donated
and collected from these people who lack the inclination to put on garage sales of their own.
Step one is education: Spend a few weeks visiting all the garage sales, swap meets and flea
markets in your area. Find out what's being offered for sale, what people are buying, and how the
merchandise is being sold. Generally an item is tagged with a price, but the seller is open to almost
any reasonable offer from the customer. Another thing you want to make mental note of is the way the
merchandise is displayed, and how the customers are allowed to browse.
You start your own garage sale by cleaning out your own basement, attic, closets and garage. Talk to
your relatives and friends; tell them what you're going to do and ask them for donations of no-longer
used or unwanted items. It's here that you'll get your first experience in negotiating, and finally, an
agreement for you to display and sell other people's merchandise for a percentage of the sales price.
You'll find people explaining that they really don't have a use for a specific item or they really don't
want to keep storing it, but because of sentimental reasons, "just hate to give it away."
Once you've had a little experience with this type of seller, you will be able to advertise in the
newspaper that you buy garage sale items, or take them on consignment for a percentage of the final
sales price.
It's best that your wife handle the garage sale itself - greets the potential customers, "shows them
around," and generally engages them in conversation. If it's a woman staging the garage sale, then
arrangements should be made to have an other woman "mind the store" while she's out digging up
more items for sale.
The advertising angle is really quite simple, and shouldn't cost very much either. You should run an ad
in your area shopper's newspaper for about three days in advance of, and up through the day of your
sale. Once you're operating on a full time, every-day-of-the-week schedule, you'll want to change your
ad schedule and the style of your advertising. But in getting started, go with small classified ads
simply announcing your garage sale, emphasizing that you've got something of interest to everyone -
everything from A to Z.
To get ideas on how to write your ad, check your news pa per for a week or so; cut out all the garage
sale ads you can find; paste them up on a piece of paper. Then, with a bit of critical analysis, you'll be
able to determine how to write a good ad of your own by determining the good and the bad in the ads
you've collected. Something to remember: The bigger and better your sale, the bigger and better
your "getting started" ads should be. And the secret to outstanding garage sale profits is in having
the widest or largest selection of merchandise.
You should have made an old-fashioned "sandwich board" sign to display in front of your house when
your garage sale is open for business. This will pull in your neighbors, if you haven't already informed
them, and attract the people driving by. Sandwich boards are sometimes set out at key traffic
intersections not far from the site of the garage sale, to attract attention and point the way. (Check
local ordinances to see if this is permitted in your area.)
Another "sign idea" practiced by a few really sharp operators is the old "Burma Shave" roadside
pointers. Here, you simply take a few cute sayings in verse (or one-liners), write on pieces of
cardboard and tack onto the power poles at about 200 yard intervals on a thoroughfare leading to
your garage sale. You'll create a lot of traffic for yourself! Simply visit the public library and check out
a book on limericks, adapt the ones you find humorous, and start making signs. One word he re
though: Be sure to check your local ordinances before you start nailing signs to power poles.
By all means, search out and use all the free bulletin boards in your area. It's better, and usually much
more profitable, to take the time to make up an attention grabbing circular you can post on these
bulletin boards than just using a written 3 by 5 card announcement.
To do this, pick up some "transfer lettering," go through your newspapers and old magazines for
interesting illustrations, graphics and pictures, then with a little bit of imagination, make up an 8 1/2 by
11 poster-type announcement of y our sale. When you've got it pasted up, take it to any quick print
shop and have them print up 50 to 100 copies for you. The cost should not come to more than six or
seven dollars.
If you make this "circular/poster" up with versatility and long-time usage in mind, you can use it over
and over again, simply by pasting on a new date. In case you were puzzled when we talk about
"pasting," this is simply pasting another piece of paper onto the overall page. Say you have a circular
with a date of Wednesday, March 1st, and want to change it to read Thursday, July 16th. Rather than
do the whole thing over, simply write out the new date with your transfer letters on a separate sheet of
paper, cut out to fit in the space occupied by the old date, and paste the new date over the old date.
A good paste to use for this purpose is rubber cement. That's all there is to it; the printer does the
Now let's talk about the "inside secrets" of drawing people into your sale, and the merchandising
"gimmicks" that will result in the maximum sales and profits for you. First, call attention to your sale.
Don't be shy, bashful or self-conscious about letting everybody for miles about know that you're having
a garage sale. Some sharp operators do the next best thing to having the Goodyear blimp overhead:
They rent miniature blimps, send them up above the housetops, and tether them there on their sale
days. Of course this giant balloon or miniature blimp has some sort of sign on the side of it, inviting
people to your garage sale! This is one of the strongest available advertising ideas for pulling
"traffic" to a sale of any kind. For more details, write to Pie-In-The-Sky Company, PO Box 5267, San
Mateo, CA 94402.
You have to give your sale some flair. Put some posts up across the front of your property and run
some twisted crepe paper between them. Even better than crepe paper, run brightly colored ribbons.
Invest in some colorful pennants and fly them from temporary flagpoles. And don't forget the balloons!
Make your garage sale a fun kind of event with clusters of balloons anchored to your display tables
and racks. Be sure to "float" them well above the heads of your customers as they are browsing
through your merchandise displays.Cover your display tables with colorful cloths. Don't hesitate to
use bright colors with busy patterns. Regardless of what you sell, effective display is still
predominantly essential!
You cannot "dump" items haphazardly on a table, sit down, and expect to realize great profits. The
people doing the most business - making the most sales - are the ones with interesting displays,
action and color.
Try to have as wide a selection of colors as possible in your clothing racks, and mix them for a
rainbow effect. Make sure that your jewelry items shine and sparkle. Arrange them in and with
jewelry boxes, jewelry ladders and other items sold for the purpose of showing off jewelry while
keeping it neatly organized. We know of one lady who regularly arranges jewelry items in a battery
operated lazy susan. Seeing this jewelry slowly turning on the lazy susan never fails to draw attention.
Think about it, and then study the methods of display used by "rack jobbers" in the stores in your area.
These are the wire racks that usually hold card packaged items. This kind of display rack would lend
itself beautifully for anchoring a cluster of balloons. Keep these things in mind, and build your
individual displays as part of the whole; make it pleasing to the eye as well as convenient for your
customers to browse through and select the items that appeal to them.
Look for some kind of interesting and unusual item to call attention to your sale - something you can
set up or park in front of your home during your sale. Some of the displays we've seen along these
lines include a horse-drawn surrey, a restored Model T, an old farm plow. But anything of an unusual
and interesting nature will do the trick for you. One couple we know put up a display using a manikin
dressed in an old-time farm bonnet, long dress and apron. The display depicted a farmwoman of old,
washing clothes with a scrub board and two steel wash tubs. You have to believe this drew crowds
and made people talk!
Wherever your imagination takes you, you have to be different and distinctive, or you'll get lost in the
hundreds of garage sales going on all around you. If you'll take the time to employ a bit of imagination
and set your sales up with the kind of flair we've been talking about, you'll not just draw the crowds,
you'll end up being the one holding the most profits.
It's almost a compulsion of many women to go shopping, to search for interesting and sometimes
rare and valuable items. This fact alone will keep you as busy as you'll ever want to be - staging and
holding garage sales. The market is so vast, and the appetite so varied, that anything from a brass
bedstead to a used diary of somebody's long-for-gotten grandmother will sell, and sell fast at garage
sales. Put it all together, use a little imagination, and you'll easily make all the money you want!
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